Sunday, May 10, 2015

FEED by Mira grant

I recently finished reading "FEED" by Mira grant this is the first in a trilogy called the Newsflesh series. It took a little while to figure out that the title was a wordplay on news words and not a reference to eating but I can occasionally be slow that way.

I loved it! Where has this book been and why haven't I heard of it before? The world this story is set in is so well written and vivid that it drew me in so completely that I stayed up late one night to finish it. It took me just a little over 1 day to read the whole thing. The two main characters are extremely engaging and developed that I found myself axiously awaiting what would happen to them next.

The story takes place 26 years after a virus turns people into zombies. In this book people don't loose all technology and after things start to fall apart civilization don't start to right itself. Many years down the line while people live in fear of amplification(where the virus in their blood becomes active) or being bitten the world does still go on. Bloggers have become a more trusted source of information and news due to the fact that initially the governments and newscasters claimed the zombie apocalypse was hoaxes while bloggers got information out.

Feed follows a brother and sister team of bloogers and their techie/fellow blogger as they follow a presidential candidate on campaign. The sister while everyone believed her to be completely humorless actually had a dry snarky with that left me snorting with laughter and the brother was just so outrageous that I found myself wondering if he was just a bit crazy. I really enjoyed how the back history of what happened to the world and to the siblings was given through the news blog the characters and occasionally through their thoughts instead of spending alot time in the first few chapters. Definately a must read and I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of this trilogy.The copy I read was a library copy so I still need to buy the first one too. I gave it 5 stars on my good reads because this was an absolutely great read for me and I enjoyed it alot. This book can be found in the Young adult section

I just started reading Beyond Cloud Nine by greg spry, which I won on good reads how I love free books and it looks like its gonna be interesting. And just recently finished reading Obsidian Mirror by catherine fisher which I hope to get the review up soon.

Feed (Newsflesh Trilogy, #1)Feed by Mira Grant

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved it! The world this story is set in is so well written and vivid that it drew me in so completely that I staid up late to finish it. The two main characters are extremely engaging and developed that I found myself axiously awaiting what would happen next. The sister while everyone believed her to be completely humorless actually had a dry snarky with that left me snorting with laughter and the brother was just so outrageous that I found myself wondering if he was just a bit crazy. I really enjoyed how the back history of what happened to the world and to the siblings was given through the news blog the characters and occasionally through their thoughts instead of spending alot time in the first few chapters. Definately a must read and I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of this trilogy

View all my reviews

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