Sunday, January 8, 2012

blegg!! on 2012

bleh so far 2012 is not shaping up to be any better than 2011. started the year single then spent the end part of this week sick. I do believe I have a cold which sucks because of the fever. I hate running a fever it makes my body ache, and give me a hell of a headache and when i run it for more than a couple days I always end up with bronchitis so now i need to go get an expectorant cause my chest is congested. then to top it off my new sunday person that i've been trying to train apparently had a panic attack at work. :( the manager and everybody else kept giving her conflicting instructions and rushing her and basically just confusing the hell out of her. so she ended up calling me every hour or so till she just ended up freaking out and I had to go help her. turns out she wasnt as bad off as she thought but everyone was just freaking her out because they all kept trying to get into her business but no actually helping her out in anyway. the owner is goin to try to give me a whole day with her where no one will be calling her to work other positions or trying to get her attentio. I told her that if i get her for a whole day to inform all her people that she's not allowed to have phone calls that day because she will belong to me and me alnone

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